Getting Started
“These are my favorite sources for clear, solid teaching in a Gentile friendly format.” -Warren
Grafted-In: Israel, Gentiles and the Mystery of the Gospel
D. Thomas Lancaster (2009) 171pp
This book is for Christians exploring their Hebraic Roots, for Gentiles in Messianic Judaism, and for Jewish believers seeking answers about Paul. He believed that the dividing wall separating Jew and Gentile had been removed, and to him this was the “Mystery of God”
Christianity is Jewish
Edith Schaeffer (1975) 224pp
Ms. Schaffer (the wife of Dr. Francis Schaeffer), sees the Bible not as a collection of unrelated historical data, but rather as a unified document of redemptive love beginning with Adam’s son Able and culminating in the life, death and resurrection of Messiah Jesus.
God’s Appointed Times
Rabbi Barney Kasdan (1993) 133pp
This is a beginner’s primer on the biblical Festivals that describes three aspects of each Festival. First, the historical event that depicts what Moses did in the Exodus to inaugurate the Festival. Second, the annual commemoration that depicts what the Jewish priests and laity were commanded to do annually to observe the Festival. And third, its Messianic fulfillment that depicts what Jesus did and will do on the day of the Festival to satisfy a key element in the redemption plan.
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church
Dr. Ron Moseley (1996) 160pp
This study guide has fill-in questions, explaining how the original church was organized around the pattern of the Jewish synagogue, how Jesus used numerous Jewish idioms in His teachings, and was perhaps a Pharisee Himself.
The Incomplete Church: Bridging the Gap Between God’s Children
Sid Roth (2007) 168pp
Roth explains that Christianity today is very different from its original Jewish roots. For two thousand years there has been a separation between Judaism and Christianity, resulting in a lack of miracle power and intimacy with God. The book is essentially in two parts — a historical narrative of the church up to Constantine, accompanied by a description and rationale for celebrating the Festivals.
“Levitt Letter”
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“Messiah Magazine”
Visit their website to donate and receive periodical:
Website: www.messiahmagazine/
Shabbat Ceremony For Gentiles
Rev. Dr. Warren Simandle
A step-by-step guideline for Gentiles to use in creating their own Shabbat Ceremony with or without children. Every Shabbat ceremony can be individualized to suit each group. To see instructions, Click Here
The Messiah and the Mishkan
Rev. Dr. Warren Simandle
The Tabernacle or Mishkan (Hebrew for Sanctuary),was built by Moses with God's precise directions, unlike the later Temples that were modified by man. It is believed that even Solomon took liberties with the instructions given to him by David (from God?) for building the first Temple. Every fabric, every furnishing and even the structure of the Tabernacle reflects the Messiah, thousands of years before He was born. To learn more, Click Here