What We Offer Weekly
Shaddai Worship: We combine our Hebraic roots and Gentile traditions as Christians in worshipping Shaddai (Hebrew for God Almighty) and studying scripture together. We maintain a conservative, biblical worldview in our prayers for our city, state country, and the world. We observe God’s calendar of festivals and holy days and honor Shabbat by meeting on the Sabbath for worship, fellowship and study.
Torah Club is a small-group Bible study community discovering the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Other Presentations
We Offer
Our ChapelARIEL team is available to teach on a variety of Messianic concepts. We facilitate/lead Shabbats, Seders and Festival Celebrations for Churches and Messianic groups.
The 7 Festivals of the Messiah – Leviticus 23 | With illustrating Banners! | (4-10 week series)
This is one of the most fascinating and yet probably least understood topics in the Bible. Each Festival will be investigated as a historic event (that initiates the Festival), the annual commemoration act (that celebrates the Festival)and the fulfillment of that Festival by the Lord Jesus.
The Two Marriages of the Godhead: | Includes A Reader’s Theatre Presentation! | (1-2 week series)
Most Christians know that the church is in a marital relationship as the bride of Christ. However, centuries before, God, the Father took Israel in marriage at Mt. Sinai. The wedding reception for both marriages has been postponed until they can be combined in the future at the wedding supper of the lamb.
How The Lamb of God Perfectly fulfills the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb. | (2-4 week series)
It is remarkable how the Lord Jesus’ path to the cross during Holy Week parallels that of the Temple Passover Lamb to the altar.
Call for a list of other available topics and/or to schedule a time of presentation for your group.